

Kaua`i Albatross Network (KAN) serves as a resource to promote safe nesting habitat for Laysan albatross and other native birds by respectful cooperation with private landowners, government agencies, scientists, businesses, schools, and conservation organizations.


  1. promote safe nesting habitat on Kaua`i
  2. collect banding data and overall nesting success on private rural lands on Kaua`i
  3. collaborate with Cornell Lab of Ornithology to support live-streaming NestCam for international viewers
  4. participate in predator control efforts
  5. document albatross behaviors in Kaua`i colonies
  6. publish photos and stories about Laysan albatross
  7. maintain active links with key individuals in organizations such as American Bird Conservancy, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Hawai`i Wildlife Center, The Nature Conservancy, The Safina Center, Hawaiian Islands Land Trust, Save our Shearwaters, State of Hawai`i Department of Land and Natural Resources, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and others.

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